Friday, July 07, 2006


soooo, about 2 weeks ago i packed up my trusty cherry-red-vehicle and drove down to issaquah washington for the first art retreat i've ever attended called artFIBERfest. it's a super rad event organized by the super rad teesha moore ( and it consisted of 3 full-day workshops all with a fiber theme.

i took traci bautista's 'big sac' workshop which was all about freestyle fabric painting and random sewing machine construction.

here it is in progress before being sewn up and a shot of traci talking about different fabric painting techniques

traci bautista

the next class was kristin steiner's 'tiny triptych of self-knowing' which is a work-in-progress still...

then i took dj pettitt's 'travelling chic' purse class. she taught the coolest technique using tar gel acrylic medium and iron heat to create a sealed collage.

sweetie pie dj, the kindest, most helpful teacher.
dj pettitt

here's me and one part of the finished product from dj's class. i'm looking a little worn out at the end of day 3
me & the results of dj's class

all in all, it was an awesome, magical, & inspiring time; something i am glad i took the chance to try on my own. i'm defnitely planning to return next year...

more photos can be found on my flickr site

1 comment:

DJ said...

I just loved the bag you made in class Kate! Are you loving it and using it? What a fun day that was. I loved brain storming with you on the altered bag process.